Kitchee Gammi Design Co.

Luxury Interior Designer. Commercial and Residential.


Building new or remodeling an existing structure or embarking on an entirely new corporate or residential design is a process not to be taken lightly. Your ideas are a beginning… I will collaborate closely with you to bring them to life, and infuse them with one of a kind style, design and purpose.

As we negotiate the many factors that go into this process, I bring a breadth of experience that can put you (or your group) at ease. I will listen carefully and anticipate the unvoiced questions and concerns. The evolution of a space is not always linear, I expect sudden requests and unforeseen detours and I will respond willingly. My twenty plus years of experience working with individuals, couples and larger design committees on a variety of projects have helped me to create a strategic path for the planning, building and finishing phases of projects of all scopes and budgets.

I hope to convey to you how much fun this process can be.

– Suzi Vandersteen 

Style Statements

We believe your style statement is where mind and matter meet. We thought we’d share ours with you. Through the planning process we will explore with you the needs and wants of your project. We take into consideration all of your ideas, interpret where your mind and matter meet, and present you with a design unique to your ideas. Who knows? You may have a style statement all your own by the time we are finished!

Suzi Vandersteen

heart of the matter
mile high views
forge bonds
rally the troops
quality + endurance = luxuriousness
sacred objects
move mountains
cultivates, cultured, rarefied
life affirming explorer
resourceful, determined
women who run with the wolves

Kate Maurer-Luedtke

at ease with natural
reverence for nature
forward thinking
seeks comfort
riles against conformity
strong sense of justice
open-minded but critical
researcher, organizer
pure, raw, real
adores simplicity
purposeful, deliberate


Hours Donated


Projects Complete


Lunches at Va Bene


Cups of Coffee

Are you ready for next project?